UNI Emeritus Association

UNIEA Membership

To be eligible for membership in the UNI Emeritus Association a person must have been granted the status of "Emeritus" as defined by the University of Northern Iowa.

Policy Statement:

Emeritus(a) is an honorary status, conferred upon those full-time or part-time members of the faculty, institutional officials, and professional-scientific staff at retirement or resignation who qualify for and are awarded the title. Eligibility requirements include a minimum of twenty years of creditable full-time or part-time service in higher education with a minimum accumulation of ten years of meritorious service at the University of Northern Iowa. Privileges of those holding Emeritus(a) status are established by the University in consultation with the Emeritus Association and are to be found at under About UNIEA.


Application process: Formal application or nomination is initiated with completion of the request for Emeritus(a) Status form (UNI Form 2), available from the Office of Academic Affairs or the Human Resource Services Department.  The form is also available on-line at the UNI Forms Repository.  The application is processed through normal administrative channels except that the University Faculty Senate also acts on all requests pertaining to faculty members. Posthumous nominations may be submitted.

Faculty Senate, Approved May, 2000
President’s Cabinet, Approved September 25, 2000
Source: UNI Policies and Procedures Manual, Section 4.21

A person who has been granted emeritus status automatically becomes a member of the UNI Emeritus Association.

Address Changes

UNIEA members are reminded to send their address, e-mail address and telephone number to alumni@uni.edu. If you would like to mail in this information, please use the address below. You can also call either of the phone numbers listed below to submit this information. Thank you!

Tammra L. Chambers
205 Commons
Attn: Emeritus Address Change
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0282

Call: 319-273-3032 or 319-273-2355 (office)